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Established 2003

Learn from the Past!

Live in the Present!

Look to the Future!

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Carrie Adams - Chair

Rachael Alexander - Vice Chair

Erin Kolbicka - Treasurer

Robin McDermott Herrera - Secretary

Christie Elliott - Membership and Socials

Lisa Reeves - Philanthropy

Denise Alexander - Float and Parade

Linda Wise - Bling and Boutique

Theresa Cosgrove - IKC Representative

About us

Our organization leads the fight for legal protection of animals. We work to pass strong new animal protection legislation, push for the prosecution of animal abusers, and fight for animals in court.

Become a member

Show your commitment to ending the suffering and abuse of animals by joining us right now. As a member, you can help with our lifesaving work for animals in the food industry, in circuses, in laboratories, and anywhere else that they're mistreated.

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