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Garrett the Gimp Fundraiser

  • 02/01/2025
  • 5:00 PM - 10:00 PM
  • O'Tooles Irish Pub--1215 W. Brandon Blvd., Brandon, FL 33511

Registration is closed

Jim Garrett is a very talented singer and friend of the Krewe.  He was our DJ and performed at the Tartan for a couple of years.  Many members have known Jim Garrett and his is friends with members from other Krewes.  He has gone through a lot this year.  About a year ago Jim was diagnosed with Cancer.  Due to the Chemo treatments he had to stop doing gigs for his health.  He made it through Chemo and is doing Radiation next.  After Chemo, Jim Garrett went back to his home in England to visit friends and family before starting his radiation treatment.  While he was there, he was helping someone with their flat tire on the side of the road and got hit by a car.  He cracked his skull, broke his legs, and broke his arm.  Jim is a guitar player when he performs/sings.  Now he can only sing (no guitar playing for him).  Performing is Jim's career and what he loves and now he is even more limited in doing what he loves.  Thank goodness his beautiful voice was not damaged in the accident.  This fundraiser which includes 50/50 and raffles is all to benefit Jim Garrett, hosted by O'Tooles and assisted by Denise and Rachael Alexander, on behalf of the Krewe of St. Brigit.  

St. Brigit was a healer and many people came to her sacred wells seeking good health and fortune in the waters of her well.  On the outskirts of the Town of Kildare you would find St. Brigid's well which is a pilgrimage to the sick and weary looking for solace and healing.  As Brigits we want to help our friend in this time of healing.  Join us at O'Tooles all evening and buy some raffle tickets and 50/50 tickets.  Drink and food specials offered all day. 

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